A special ability to aid you in battle.
Before the start of every match, players can choose their Incantation. Incantation is a spell that can be used as an additional ability for their hero in-game. A player can select one Incantation only. They cannot be reset or changed once the match has begun.
Return to base after channeling for 5 seconds. Channeling is cancelled if hero is hit or moves.
No cooldown
When triggered, gains bonus Attack Speed and Attack Damage for 5 seconds.
90 seconds
Deals damage (based on level) to forest minions/creeps. Each kill recovers HP based on the maximum HP of the creep.
40 seconds
Recovers HP and mana by certain amount. This will affect allies nearby as well.
90 seconds
Grants a shield that blocks damage. Applies to self and one nearby ally.
90 seconds
Deals Magic Damage and stuns enemies for a period of time, within certain radius.
50 seconds
Instantly teleports to a target location.
50 seconds
Silences the opponent, disabling all spells and skills.
90 seconds
Targets an opponent, granting vision of the enemy for a period of time. Executing that enemy will grant bonus gold.
90 seconds
Plants vision on a certain area for a period of time.
90 seconds
Last updated