Game Mode
Choose your mode and battle it out to earn rewards beyond your imagination!
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Choose your mode and battle it out to earn rewards beyond your imagination!
Last updated
10 players will be thrust into the Ancient Realm tile set map where they will engage in a 5v5 PVP team battle. The map is divided into two sides, the Luminous and Shadowhorde. The objective of the game is to destroy the base of the opposing team.
Though it sounds simple, there are several layers of complexity to this. The map is vast and is focused around controlling lanes. Each lane leads to the opposing teams base and is guarded by endless waves of enemy minions and powerful turrets.
Surrounding these lanes is the jungle and river which players can utilize strategically to hunt powerful creatures, escape, ambush and or navigate the map covertly. This PVP game style has been tried and tested for over 20 years, proving to be endlessly entertaining and exciting.
In League of Ancients, there are currently three game modes which are Classic Match, Ranked Match and Tournament. Each game mode will reward players with in-game currency after completing each match.
Classic Match is the first and earliest game mode in League of Ancients. All other game modes use the mechanics of Classic Matches as their base. It is a 5v5 PVP experience, Hero Skins will not affect the hero's in-game stats. This mode is suitable for beginners who need to familiarize themselves with the gameplay mechanics. You are free to choose any hero to play with. However, you are not allowed to have more than one of the same hero on your team. The opposing team however, CAN pick the same hero that is chosen on your team. Players can earn $ASL by completing each normal match.
Ranked Match is a competitive seasonal game mode that runs for a specific period of time. You will be competing with other players sharing your ranked division bracket.
The rank titles from lowest to highest are Sentinel, Royal Knight, Zealot, Duke, Arch-Duke, Lord, Overlord. Sentinel is the lowest division, whereas Overlord is for the best of the best. Every time you win a Ranked match, you will gain MMR and $ASL. The amount of $ASL earnings will be higher compared to playing a classic match. When the season ends, the rankings will be reset accordingly and a new season begins.
Tournament is a feature of the game that allows organizers to host in-game tournaments. It will be supervised by League of Ancients. Each participating team has to pay a registration fee, where 5% of the total registration fee collected will be for the tournament organizer to cover for the administration purpose. The teams will challenge each other for the total prize pool allocated for that specific tournament. Prize pool consists of $LOA tokens.